What We Do

We Are Creating A New Category Of Health Insurance Plan

Bundled Payments

Bundled payments are a method of reimbursement in healthcare where a single payment is made for all the services in a patient’s Episode of Care

This type of payment system has been proven to encourage healthcare providers to work together and coordinate care for a specific episode of illness or treatment

Medicare has been instrumental in advancing this payment model, and results have proven extraordinarily successful for lowering costs and improving outcomes

Oxbridge is building programs to administer health benefit plans that integrate bundled payments to encourage providers and patients to achieve optimal health and financial outcomes

Episode Benefit Plans

We are creating an entirely new category of health benefit plan called EPISODE BENEFIT PLANS.

This innovative new plan design uses ‘episode allowances’ to drive radical levels of cost transparency, with guaranteed total episode costs for most providers in the markets we serve. Employees and their families can access guaranteed prices for many major health care episodes, creating certainty about the level of out-of-pocket-expense. Disclosing the range of guaranteed episode prices for various providers allows plan beneficiaries to make informed decisions when selecting the site and provider of health care.

Our Framework

Episodes Of Care

Non Primary Care

What we are Trying to Accomplish

Benefit Plan Administration

Our team has a long history of building industry-leading platforms that drive innovation and satisfaction in the health insurance field. We expect to complete our build-out during 2023 to achieve our target administrative goals: